Actions 2016
Meeting held with:
Dr. Rogelio Pfirter, Argentine Ambassador to the Holy See.
Dra. Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi, President of the International Criminal Court.
Michele Final, collaborator of the Ministry of Justice of Italy and Alfredo María Duarte Mangoni, Advisor to the Minister Plenipotentiary | Italy.
Ricardo Sanz, National Senator for the Radical Civic Union | Argentina..
Luis Pereira Matheu, Associate Counselor for Cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union of Argentina | Argentina.
Gabriela Michetti, Vice President of the Argentine Republic | Argentina.
Dr. Martín García Moritán, current Permanent Representative of Argentina to the United Nations | Argentina.
Lila Puig de Stubrin, member of the Parliament of MERCOSUR and President of the Radical Civic Union.
Videoconference with Niccolò Figà-Talamanca, Secretary General of No Peace Without Justice.
Presentation of the campaign by COPLA by Fernando A. Iglesias, Director of the initiative, in the Red ALAS before new actors of Mexican civil society.
José Manuel García-Margallo, Minister of Foreign Matters and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain; Pablo Gómez de Olea Bustinza, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in Argentina; and Pedro Jesús Fernández, Counselor of the Embassy of Spain in Argentina | Argentina.
Eugenio Curia, Coordinator of International Affairs of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation | Argentina.
Federico Pinedo, Provisional President of the Senate and members of the Chief of Cabinet of the National Government | | Argentina.
Teresa Gastaldo, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in Argentina | April 13, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Campaign dissemination meeting by COPLA before representatives of Latin American embassies in the Government House. The objective of the event was to present the campaign for the creation of COPLA before the representatives of the Latin American embassies.
Dr. Federico Pinedo, Provisional President of the Senate of the Nation | Argentina.
Oscar Menjivar, Ambassador of El Salvador and Dean of the Geopolitical Group of Latin America and the Caribbean to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (GRULAC).
Pedro Jesús Fernández Martínez, Political Attaché of the Embassy of Spain in Argentina).
Mohammed Ayat, Advisor to the Presidency of the International Criminal Court.
Mariela Belski, Director of Amnesty International-Argentina.
Eugenio Curia, Coordinator of International Affairs of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation.
Dr. Galo Chiriboga, Attorney General of Ecuador | Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Events / Participations:
Presentation of the campaign for the COPLA in the chair of "Right to Integration" of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires | May 16, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Dr. Christian Cao, Director of the Group of Jurists for the COPLA and professor of the Chair of Right to Integration of the Faculty of Law of the UBA, invited the Director of the campaign for the COPLA, Mr. Fernando Iglesias, to present the initiative and its progress.
Meetings held with:
Lucrecia Sosa, President of the Democratic Party of Italy.
García Moritán, permanent representative to the United Nations in New York.
Jo Leinen in Strasbourg, Member of the European Parliament and world co-chair of the campaign for UNPA in Brussels | Strasbourg (France).
Fergus Watt, Executive Director of the World Federalist Movement (Canada) | New York, USA).
Adalberto Rodríguez Giavarini, Director of the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI).
Events / Participations:
The Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation unanimously approves a Draft Resolution in favor of the COPLA presented by Mario Negri (CAMBIEMOS) | June 7, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina). In this declaration, the members of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation declare themselves in favor of the Argentine Republic becoming the driving force behind the creation of the Latin American and Caribbean Criminal Court against Transnational Organized Crime (COPLA) as a State-of-the-art institutional response to combat organized crime.
Attendance at the Congress of the Union of Federalist Europeans in the Council of Europe | Strasbourg (France), an event that featured exhibitions by Philipp Agatonos.
Vice President of UEF and Antonio Missiroli, Director of the Institute for Security Studies of the European Union.
Meeting of the World Federalist Movement | New York, USA). Fernando Iglesias participated in the meeting as president of the Council. It was formally decided to adopt the COPLA and UNPA campaigns as official campaigns of the World Federalist Movement under the name of Developing Campaigns.
Meetings held with:
Dr. Germán Garavano, Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation.
Committee of Experts on Control of Organized Crime and Corruption in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation.
Mónica Pinto, Dean of the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires.
Edgardo Buscaglia, academic and expert on transnational organized crime | July 16, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Marcos Peña, Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Argentine Nation.
Events / Participations:
Presentation of the COPLA campaign before Mrs. Teresa Gastaldo, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in Argentina, and members of national and international organizations.
Meetings held with:
Patricia Bullrich, Minister of National Security | Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Events / Participations:
Participation in the event “Transparency and corruption. Report 2015 ”organized by the NGO Citizen Power | August 3, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Fernando Iglesias, director of the campaign for the creation of a Latin American and Caribbean Criminal Court against Organized Transnational Crime, and Luis Masi, coordinator of this initiative, participated in an event organized by the NGO Poder Ciudadano, with the participation of Dr. José Ugaz, head of the Peruvian anti-corruption office and current president of the NGO Transparency International.
Participation in the XXXIII International Seminar on Federalism | August 27 to September 1, 2016 | Ventotene (Italy). Fernando Iglesias, Director of the campaign for COPLA, together with the representatives of the NGO Global Democracy: María Florencia Gor, (President), Camila López Badra (Executive Coordinator), Rodrigo Hazaff and Tomás Molina (Volunteers) participated in the XXXIII International Seminar on Federalism. Both Mr. Iglesias and Ms. Gor presented the COPLA campaign guidelines to a wide audience of young people.
Meetings held with:
Marco Piantini, advisor to the Italian Prime Minister on European Affairs | Ventotene (Italy).
Director of "Italiani all & # 39; estero", part of the Italian Democratic Party | Rome (Italy).
Dra. Chiara Giacomantonio | Rome (Italy).
Daniele Archibugi, Italian academic specialized in international relations theory | Rome (Italy).
Meeting Octavio Sillitti and Ariel García Bordón, from the Undersecretary of Criminal Policy of the Ministry of Justice | Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Germán Garavano, Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation; Silvia
Fernández de Gurmendi, President of the ICC; Romina Morello, legal representative of "Parliamentarians For Global Action"; Margarita Stolbizer, National Deputy; Martin
Casares, Chief of Criminal Justice Policy, and Roberto Durrieu, lawyer specialized in money laundering and IPR | September 27, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Events / Participations:
Participation of Leslie Guamba, Global Democracy volunteer, in the Meeting of Attorneys General of UNASUR, within the framework of the discussion of the South American Criminal Court | September 12, 2016, Quito (Ecuador).
Events / Participations:
François Roudié, Head of Policy, Culture, Press and Information of the Delegation of the European Union in the Argentine Republic.
Fulvio Pompeo, secretary of strategic affairs of the Chief of Cabinet of the Presidency of the Nation, and Paola De Chiara, Undersecretary of Global Affairs of the Secretariat of Strategic Affairs of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers | Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Romina Morello, legal representative of "Parlamentarians for Global Action" | October 10, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Francisco Rotundo, president of the Italian Democratic Party in Argentina; Germán Garavano, Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Argentina, and Gabriela Michetti, Vice President of the Nation | November 25, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina). The director of the campaign for COPLA held a meeting with Francisco Rotundo, president of the Italian Democratic Party in Argentina; Germán Garavano, Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Argentina; and Gabriela Michetti, Vice President of Argentina, in order to report on the progress of the campaign and communicate about the 8th Altiero Spinelli Symposium organized by Global Democracy and the Altiero Spinelli Chair to be held at the Argentine Council for International Relations ( CARI).
Events / Participations:
Conference at the University of Buenos Aires on the initiative to establish a Parliamentary Assembly at the United Nations (UNPA) | October 18, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Mr. Iglesias explained the campaign guidelines and stressed that the introduction of this Assembly could be a democratizing element in the world political system, for which the direct vote of the citizens of the world would be necessary.
Meetings held with:
Agustin Cattaneo, Global Democracy volunteer with Rodrigo Echecopar, member of the Smart Citizen Foundation of Chile, in the framework of the Forum on Financing of Politics in Argentina and Chile | November 4, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
NGO World Embassy of Activists for Peace | November 7, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina)).
José Ignacio Salafranca, Ambassador of the European Union | November 18, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
François Roudié, First Counselor of the embassy of the European Union in Argentina | November 29, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Events / Participations:
Participation of Fernando Iglesias in the Argentine Council for International Relations in the framework of the conference "Transnational Organized Crime in Latin America" ​​together with Patricia Bullrich, Minister of Security; Mariano Bartolomé, Doctor in International Relations; and Patricio Degiorgis, President of the NGO Global Democracy | November 7, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Presentation of the campaigns promoted by Global Democracy in the “IV Seminar of Direito Do Estado - UNESP” | November 22 to 25, 2016, Sao Paulo (Brazil).
Meetings held with:
Braillard - Poccard, National Senator and president of the Commission for Citizen Security, Combat and Prevention of Drug Trafficking, Terrorism, and Organized Crime of the Latin American Parliament | December 20, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Events / Participations:
Realization of the 8th Altiero Spinelli Symposium at the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI) | December 6, 2016, Buenos Aires (Argentina).