Actions 2012
“Novas Lideranças for Latin American” Program: participation of Democracia Global in the organization of the agenda of activities. Twenty-five students of International Relations of various universities throughout Brazil participated. Public, private and third sector organizations were visited and the relationship between Democracia Global and FENERI (National Federation of International Relations Students of Brazil) was formalized as permanent partners in activities related to regional integration.
Support for the writing and launching of the Manifesto for Global Democracy, an independent initiative by academics and intellectuals from all over the world in favor of the creation of regional, international and global democratic institutions capable of facing the challenges of the 21st century. Its main signers include Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im, Daniele Archibugi, Jacques Attali, Bertrand Badie, Zygmunt Bauman, Ulrich Beck, Mary Burton, Noam Chomsky, Richard Falk, Susan George, Boutros Boutros Ghali, David Held, Daniel Innerarity , Mary Kaldor, Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, Lucio Levi, Giacomo Marramao, George Monbiot, Toni Negri, Heikki Patomaki, Saskia Sassen, Fernando Savater, Roberto Saviano, Richard Sennett, Ignacio Torreblanca, Vandana Shiva, Andy Strauss, Beatriz Sarlo, Juan José Sebreli, Juan José Campanella, Marcos Aguinis, Jorge Castro, Fernando Iglesias, Emilio de Ipola, Jorge Lanata, Vicente Palermo, Luis Alberto Romero and Santiago Kovadloff, among others..
1st Launch Conference of the Manifesto for Global Democracy, London, July. Organized at the London School of Economics, with the presence of professors Saskia Sassen (HOL), Mathias König (ALE), Fernando Iglesias (ARG), Richard Sennet (USA) and Daniele Archibugi (ITA).
2nd Conference to launch the Manifesto for Global Democracy ,Italy, September. In the Senate of the Republic of Italy, with the participation of Roberto Esposito (ITA), Giacomo Marramao (ITA), Fernando Iglesias (ARG), Heiki Patomakki (FIN) and Concita de Gregorio (ITA).
Congress of the World Federalist Movement at the University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, July. During the Congress, Democracia Global acquired the status of organization member of the World Federalist Movement, overcoming its old status as a partner organization. María Florencia Gor, Executive Coordinator of Democracia Global, was appointed Councilor and the Vice-president. Fernando Iglesias was elected as the new President of the WFM Council.
29th International Seminar "Federalism in Europe and in the World", September, Ventotene - Italy. Participation of two young Argentine winners of the CUIA scholarship: Lucía Planich and María Florencia Gor, volunteer and leader, respectively, of Democracia Global. Participation of the Vice President of Democracia Global, Professor Fernando Iglesias, in the panels "Peace in a globalized world" and "The European Union and the processes of regional unification: Africa, Middle East, South America, ASEAN", together with James Arputharaj (WFM India), Giacomo Filibeck (MFE Italy); Alberto Majocchi (MFE Italia) and Jo Leinen (MEP and president of the European Movement); among others.
I Forum for Regional Integration and IV Altiero Spinelli Symposium. Organization of the event together with the Altiero Spinelli Chair (CUIA) and the FENERI (National Federation of International Relations Students of Brazil); San Martín Cultural Center, Buenos Aires. The Forum combined academic panels made up of experts in South American and European regional integration; and a workshop organized to discuss the formation of a Regional Network of civil organizations for South American Integration. More than 150 attendees participated, among them sixty International Relations students from the University of Pelotas, Brazil; in addition to international academics and politicians, such as the Minister of Culture of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Dr. Hernán Lombardi; the Italian professors, Luigi Moccia (Universitá di Roma) and Franco Praussello (Universitá di Genova); the Ambassador of the European Union, Dr. Alfonso Diez Torres; Argentine Senators, Laura Montero (UCR) and María Eugenia Estenssoro (CC), and writers Alejandro Rozitchner and Juan José Sebreli.