Actions 2011
Presentation of the Altiero Spinelli Module (MAS). Fernando Igelsias traveled to Brussels to meet other EU parliamentarism and officials, who gave their support to the MAS idea in the European Parliament, similar to the existing Jean Monet Module of the European Commission. In addition, Fernando met with representatives of the International European Movement and the European Federalist Union, who also supported the project.
Conference at the Book Fair, with the participation of the Argentine parliamentarians Gabriela Michetti, Ricardo Gil Lavedra and Fernando Iglesias and with the Uruguayan parliamentarian, Pablo Iturralde. The topic that was debated was the transformation of the MERCOSUR Parliamentary Assembly into a true Parliament.
Congress of the SAAP (Argentine Society for Political Analysis), where Democracia Global organized some panels with two Italian philosophers: Giacomo Marramao (University of Rome III) and Daniele Archibugi (University of London), together with Fernando Igelsias, Vicepesident of Democracia Global. The topic was Democracy and Globalization. In addition, his visit to Argentina included a conference at the University of Buenos Aires and another at the University of Bolonia.
28th International Symposium on Federalism in Ventotene, Italy. Democracia Global had the largest participation so far in this important seminar. A four-member from Democracia Global delegation met with representatives from different European and non-European organizations to discuss world federalism.
First Youth Forum for Global Democracy: Thinking responses to the 5 global crises, organized with the idea of strengthening the foundations for regional integration and bringing together young people from all over the world in South America. It took place between September 21 and 23 in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina and included seven keynote speakers and four panels to present the works of the young participants. More than 50 panelists debated their ideas, including politicians, businessmen, ambassadors, as well as journalists, third sector leaders, academics and researchers. The diversity of the speakers that was maintained in each panel, sought to promote constructive exchange and networking among attendees, as the main objectives of the event, which attracted people from more than 15 countries. In addition, 23 organizations (private, public and non-governmental) supported our Forum, which helps to expand the issues of global democracy over a wide range of actors, at the national and regional level.
The Third Altiero Spinelli Symposium took place November 3rd and 4th in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Democracia Global co-organized the event once again with the Altiero Spinelli Chair. European and southamerican parliamentarians, representatives of national and international NGOs and well as businessman and academics participated in it.